.CAFE Domain Registration
The most popular domain name extension, available for $36.49/year
.CAFE Pricing
TLD | 1 Year | 2 years | 3 years | 4 years | 5 years | 6 years | 7 years | 8 years | 9 years | 10 years |
Sole .CAFE registration | $36.49 | $72.98 | $109.47 | $145.96 | $182.45 | $218.94 | $255.43 | $291.92 | $328.41 | $364.90 |
TLD Details
TLD | Registrar-Lock | Transfers | Edit WHOIS | ID Protect | Registration Period |
.CAFE | yes | yes (EPP) | yes | yes | 1-10 years |
Registering .CAFE Domains
Finding the ideal domain name can often be difficult - presently there are countless .COM domain name already registered. And you need your domain name to sound appealing, so website visitors can remember it if they visit it one time. Furthermore, you would like it to convey the nature of your websites from just one look. Using a .CAFE domain name you will be able to enjoy all of that. The .CAFE domain extension was offered for public registration just lately, so you can find countless attractive domain names to pick from. Also, it's more attractive and you can make innovative combos that will be easily remembered by all your visitors.
With SupremePanel you could purchase a .CAFE domain name for only $36.49 per year.
.CAFE Domains with SupremePanel
With SupremePanel's Domain Manager included in our custom Web Hosting Control Panel, you'll be amazed at how simple it can be to manage .CAFE domains. For example, changing DNS controls, updating WHOIS info, locking/unlocking a domain name, etcetera are a couple of clicks away. Our Domain Manager is, no doubt, the best .CAFE domain management instrument available!
And last, but not least - if you're a cloud hosting account owner, you can manage your domain names as well as your web sites concurrently, with no need to switch between different instruments to accomplish this.