Making an e-mail alias means making an email address that shares the exact same mailbox as a totally different e-mail address for both the inbound as well as the outbound messages. For example, you’re able to create an e-mail address and it'll be associated with its own mailbox. Next, you can make an alias, which can use the mailbox of sales@ and won't use a mailbox of its own. Once you look at your e-mails, you will see e-mails sent to both of the two addresses in a single place, which may be far more convenient in some instances as you will not have to sign in and out of numerous mailboxes working with webmail or configure numerous email addresses inside an email program. This option is usually used as an alternative to forwarding e-mails from one e-mail address to another one if a number of email addresses are included for contact on a web site.

E-mail Aliases in Shared Hosting

The Hepsia Control Panel, which is provided with each shared hosting plan we offer, will help you to set up as many aliases as you need for any of the email addresses you create inside your account. Setting up or removing an alias will require a few clicks, so that you can manage several emails in a single mailbox even if you employ webmail or an e-mail client on your computer system or smart phone. This way, you can take advantage of a number of email addresses for private or company emails and save time by linking each of them to a single or a number of mailboxes. You may even combine having aliases for a specific mailbox and forwarding all inbound e-mails from a business to a private e-mail address if you happen to check the latter more often.

E-mail Aliases in Semi-dedicated Servers

Attaching aliases to any email addresses will be quite simple in case you have a semi-dedicated server package from our company and your emails are managed on our end. You can make or remove an alias in the Emails part of the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, which is provided with each and every account. You can also have multiple aliases, if you decide to manage a business, for example, every staff member can have their own email address, but all messages sent to them can be viewed by everyone in one mailbox. This way, managing the email conversation with clients will be significantly less time-consuming and more coordinated. If part of the e-mails need to get to additional divisions too, you'll be able to combine using aliases with our email forwarding function.